EU Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) project “Democracy over Disinformation” - Unique Projects

EU Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) project “Democracy over Disinformation”

Project „Democracy over disinformation” seeks to explore what effects disinformation and other interferences have for democratic debate and to counter it by improving media literacy of citizens.

Second partners meeting with representatives from Lithuania (Unique Projects), Italy (CEIPES) and Germany (Einzigartige projekte) was held in Palermo on February 25, 2023. where we shared our feedback and emotions after two international conferences in Kaunas and Palermo, finalized already done tasks from the beginning of the project. Also prepared for the third international conference in Berlin where the survey report and methodological tool draft will be presented.

Project is funded by the European Union, EU Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) programme.
