Projects, events, initiatives, trainings and youth exchange
Learn and improve by traveling with Unique Projects and Erasmus+ projects
Choose from many Unique Projects events, activities or Erasmus+ projects - learn, improve and travel together with us!
1. Select a project
2. Register and apply
3. Explore and improve by traveling!
3Dimensional Thinkers
Atskleisk savo kūrybiškumą technologijų pasaulyje! Kviečiame tave į Erasmus+ programos jaunimo mainų projektą „3Dimensional Thinkers“, kuris vyks 2025 m. kovo 25 d. – balandžio 4 …
Stage 4 European Youth Goals
Atskleisk savo gabumus teatro pasaulyje! Kviečiame tave į Erasmus+ programos jaunimo mainų projektą „Stage 4 EYG“, kuris vyks 2025 m. balandžio 23 d. – gegužės …

Association “Unique Projects” organises various events, trainings and educational activities and projects. It includes local initiatives and events in Lithuania. We also implement youth exchange and youth workers mobility projects by Erasmus+ programme and activities by other project programmes in Lithuania.
We also take part as partners in international projects of Erasmus+ and other programmes. “Unique Projects” doesn’t organise projects which take part abroad, where the participants are having their mobilities, but act in them as partner organisation.
Every young person can become a member of our organisation and contribute to creation, planning and implementation of new ideas, increasing the opportunies for young people. You can contact us via Facebook ( or write us an email and we will provide you with more information.
„Unique Projects“ nariai gaus naujienas apie projektus, renginius ir kitas organizuojamas veiklas, galės prisidėti prie asociacijos vykdomų veiklų ir jų organizavimo.
For membership in organisation 70 eur annual membership fee is applied. Membership fee is collected for organisation and implementation of association's activities, events and other initiatives. Also, for covering administration and website maintenance costs.
If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact us, everything is possible, every member is important and valuable.
“Erasmus+” is 2021-2027 EU programme (previous financing period 2014 – 2020) for education, training, youth and sport support in Europe.
Erasmus + is open to many individuals and organizations. Eligibility criteria vary by action and country.
For example, youth action projects can involve students, pupils, the ones who are not studying or working, youth workers, teachers, volunteers, members of organizations, and so on.
Individuals can use many opportunities funded by the Erasmus + program, although in most cases you will have to contact the organisation which is taking part in the project (for example: in the case of our proposed projects, you will have to contact us - Unique Projects).
Fill in the form in our webpage to our announced upcoming Project by pressing "Register to the project". The most important question in the survey is "Why is it you, who should participate in this project?" - here show your willingness and motivation. In couple weeks you will receive an answer if you got in. If not, do not give up and try again, these projects is an opportunity which should not be missed!
If you want to take part in the project, it is not necessary to become organisation’s member. However, you can always become one, if you want to get to known deeper with organisation and implementation of projects and take part freely in other “Unique Projects” activities (more details in question “How can you become a member of “Unique Projects”?”)