Atsiliepimai - Unique Projects


My first project was in Hungary and it won‘t be the last one for sure! I started my journey without knowing anyone. However, we received many positive impressions and emotions from the very beginning of the project. I got the best memories from the people I met in the project. We had only one week but became so close with each other - we actually became as a family. It's invaluable experience, which helped me to get knowledge about other countries, cultures and traditions. Conversations with foreign people inspired me to travel more, discover new places. Besides that, I have improved my communication skills but team-working, planning and other skills as well. Moreover, organizers were really responsible. They have done everything that the participants wouldn't be bored and would be active during the whole project. Erasmus+ programme gives a priceless chance to develop yourself and learn new things in the most pleasant way – travelling! Unforgettable memories and friends around the world are guaranteed. Don’t be afraid, let’s improve ourselves together!
It was not my first Erasmus+ project, but this Youth Exchange project in Turkey made the biggest impression. Project’s topic was a healthy lifestyle, so I learned a lot of new things about it. We visited the Perma cultural farm where everything is grown without any fertilizer and all resources are used again and again. How it could be without sports? One day was dedicated to sports - we played various team games in the Turkish school. We used ice-breaking games every day to get to know each person even better, and it brought us even closer as participants and helped us to make new friends for the rest of our lives. Food (especially Turkish sweets) was absolutely amazing. I also visited Istanbul where I had to see many mosques and visited the famous Grand Bazar. Even if you are really scary to go, do not hesitate and take that step because during Erasmus+ projects you can find so many friends, feel this kind of experience and unforgettable adventures that will stuck for a long time or maybe even a lifetime? Don’t wait and apply because it will change your life in a fun way!
It was my first project, so my expectations were high and I hoped that this project would really give me a lot of good emotions and valuable experience. Now that I have returned, I can confidently say that everything I expected was fulfilled with a bunch! As soon as I arrived to the project, I discovered many interesting and colorful personalities with whom I was able to freely share ideas and get inspiration from them – project’s participants and organizers shared their experiences about volunteering, working in NGOs, building their businesses and advised what to do to realize yourself in one of those directions. The ongoing activities and creative workshops that took place for the most of the project provided theoretical and practical experience that is closely related to my studies and which I will later apply in my work. We also had the time and opportunities to travel around the country and get to know different cultures during Intercultural nights where the participating countries shared their national traditions, customs, dishes and drinks. In my opinion, one of the most important things I took from this project is new friends, networking and partners. There are already at least three trips planned to visit the project participants and I wait for them as well in Lithuania. Strange and amazing how in such a short time people can build such strong connections and implement so many beautiful ideas! I am very grateful for this opportunity. I think it is the very beginning of my long journey of experience and I believe that everyone should take part in similar projects at least once in their life!
The Youth Exchange project in Turkey was my first experience of such kind of trip. I’m so glad that I dared to go to the project and I have no doubt that I will look for similar opportunities even more. It was so interesting to see other cultures, meet such different and interesting people, travel and study at the same time. During only one week, I got a lot of ideas and inspiration for the future.
“Tai buvo mano antrasis jaunimo mainų projektas, tad jau prieš išvykdama žinojau, kokio pobūdžio mokymų tikėtis. Projekto metu susidūriau su tam tikrais neaiškumais, tačiau visos problemos buvo greitai išspręstos. Labai džiaugiuosi, gavusi progą dalyvauti šiuose mokymuose, nes turėjau nuostabią galimybę susipažinti su skirtingomis kultūromis ir žmonėmis, patobulinti savo anglų kalbos žinias bei pasisemti patirties. Projekto metu sutikau daug žmonių, kuriuos dabar galiu tvirtai pavadinti savo draugais. Manau, kad šie mainų projektai yra vertingi ir reikalingi, tai puiki proga visapusiškai tobulėti!
“Man tai buvo pirmas tokio pobūdžio projektas, tad buvo tikrai nedrąsu važiuoti į svetimą šalį su nepažįstamais žmonėmis ir dar nuolat kalbėti ne savo gimtąja kalba. Tačiau dabar labai savimi didžiuojuosi – ne tik labai daug išmokau, sužinojau, bet ir susiradau daug naujų draugų. Dabar turiu ne tik namus Lietuvoje, bet ir Italijoje, Makedonijoje, Slovakijoje, Rumunijoje.. Naudokitės šia galimybe ir Jūs!
“ Mano pirmasis projektas buvo Vengrijoje, tačiau tikrai ne paskutinis! Išvykau nieko nepažinodama. Nuo pat kelionės pradžios patyrėme daug gerų įspūdžių ir emocijų. Šilčiausius prisiminimus paliko projekto metu sutikti žmonės. Per savaitę iš visiškai nepažįstamų žmonių tapome be galo artimi, tarsi viena didelė šeima. Tai buvo neįkainojama patirtis, kurios metu sužinojau daug naujo apie kitas pasaulio šalis, jų kultūras, tradicijas. Bendravimas su užsieniečiais mane įkvėpė keliauti ir pažinti naujas vietas, niekada nesustoti. Projekto metu patobulinau ne tik bendravimo, bet ir planavimo, komandinio darbo bei kitus įgūdžius. Organizatoriai pasirūpino, kad tikrai nenuobodžiautume ir būtume aktyvūs. Erasmus+ programa suteikia neįkainojamą galimybę tobulėti ir mokytis pačiu maloniausiu būdu – keliaujant! Nepamirštami įspūdžiai bei draugai iš viso pasaulio garantuoti. Niekada nedvejokime ir tobulėkime kartu!“ Šilčiausi linkėjimai,
“ Pirmą kartą teko dalyvauti Erasmus+ projekte, todėl nelabai žinojau, ko galima būtų tikėtis. Nuvykęs į Lenkiją susipažinau su kitų tautybių žmonėmis, visi buvo skirtingi, malonūs ir įdomūs, sužinojau daug naujų dalykų apie Lenkiją ir kitas šalis, kurios dalyvavo šiame projekte. Vienas įdomiausių dalykų projekte – tarpkultūriniai vakarai, kurių metu buvo galima iš arčiau susipažinti su konkrečios šalies specifika, tradicijomis, paragauti vietinio maisto. Šio projekto metu susiradau naujų draugų, su kuriais palaikau ryšius iki šiol – tai yra vieni geriausių žmonių, kuriuos teko sutikti gyvenime. Net nedvejokite ir sudalyvaukite, nes tai galimybė, kurios nevalia praleisti!“ Šilčiausi linkėjimai,
I have always dreamt about traveling, get to know about other cultures, meet different people, but I never dare to make it happen and was jealous for those my friends who were traveling. Then I heard about a nonprofit Unique Projects organization that organizes youth exchanges and projects in foreign countries. I wondered all the time, how fun it would be to join others and go somewhere where I could not only improve everything, but also discover other countries. Unexpectedly, I saw that Unique Projects organizes the youth exchange in Italy, project "Eco-photography: the environment through the eye of the lens". Since photography is my hobby from the very beginning of my childhood, while taking care of the environment, in my opinion, should be the priority of each of us to live a healthy and full life, I decided not to dream, but to do it. I immediately filled the questionnaire and after some time I was informed about opportunity to participate. Before the project, there were many doubts: that I could not speak fluently, I will not implement the expectations of the project, I would disappoint my teammates, etc. But with every day spent in Cagliari was getting better and better! With young people from other countries we became like a big family and we had lots of fun time and even if the language barrier, which is sometimes eroding, didn‘t hinder our communication. We all were by a photography and caring about an environment. But, personally, the biggest gift I received was the fact that this project forced me to move from my comfort zone and get out of the shell. I was surprised when I realized that I was speaking to foreigners without fear, suggesting my ideas and discussing it with them. And I was doing actually great! I am very happy and grateful for this opportunity to discover myself, to gain experience, to know a foreign country and other cultures. So, if you have any doubt, wipe it off and dare to experience what you will never forget!
“ Rytas – Lietuvoje, vakaras – nuostabaus grožio šalyje, garsėjančioje savo gamta bei svetingais žmonėmis. Taip prasidėjo Erasmus+ mainų projektas „Speak Up“ Slovakijoje. Tai nebuvo pirmasis mano projektas, tačiau pats įsimintiniausias. Susipažinau su nuostabiais žmonėmis, įgijau žinių apie žmogaus teises, didėjančią netoleranciją visuomenėje. Tai buvo neįkainojama patirtis sudalyvauti šiame projekte, reprezentuoti savo šalį, įgyti daug žinių, lavinti anglų kalbą bei atrasti daugiau motyvacijos savo asmeniniame gyvenime. Projekto metu vyravo nuostabi atmosfera: dainos, juokas ir pokalbiai prie židinio vakarais, kai už lango – kalnai ir sniegas. Sunku nupasakoti žodžiais, kaip buvo nuostabu. Raginu nieko nelaukti, išbandyti Erasmus + programos teikiamą naudą ir patirti tai, ko gyvenime negalima praleisti!Šilčiausi linkėjimai,
Training Course project in Romania "You(th)nique" was my first Erasmus+ project but I believe that it is not the last one. As soon as I saw that such training course will take place, I became very interested. First of all, the topic itself turned out to be quite relevant to me. The project was aimed to people working with young people and since I plan to connect my life with pedagogy, it is very important to be able to communicate with young people and understand them. Also it was a great opportunity to go to Romania again because after the summer holidays this country left me with a really good impression. I liked the project more than I could have expected: everything was organized "from - to", real professionals in their field worked with us. The tasks we did were very useful for getting to know ourselves and others; personal development that will be useful in the future. Most importantly, I have met people here who are unique, interesting in their activities and approached to my life. They were easily to communicate, opened to world innovations, not afraid to take risks, they travel a lot, volunteer, engage in various meaningful activities. I learned a lot from them to myself. I recommend going to these kind of projects to everyone who wants to get away from everyday life and have a good time.
Panašaus pobūdžio projekte dalyvavau trečią kartą. Kiekvieną kartą vykstant lūkesčiai projekto atžvilgiu pakinta dėl įgautos patirties praeituose projektuose. Būtent nuo mūsų lūkesčių, vilčių ir požiūrio į dalyvavimą projekte priklauso dalyvio produktyvumas, įgauta patirtis ir įspūdžiai. Iš kiekvienos patirties mes pasisemiame ir išmokstame tai, ko siekėme ir norėjome išmokti – tai gali būti užsienio kalba, tam tikros žinios ir t.t. Svarbiausia visada turėti vykti į projektą su tikslais ir siekiais ir prisidėti prie tų tikslų įgyvendinimo. Apskritai viso projekto sėkmė priklauso nuo kiekvieno iš mūsų įdėtų pastangų.
Tai buvo pirmasis mokymų tipo projektas, kuriame dalyvavau. Mokymų metu vykdėme įvairias paskirtas užduotis agro-verslininkystės tematika. Visada dirbome grupėse – tai mums leido geriau pažinti kitus projekto dalyvius, sužinoti informacijos apie skirtingas šalis bei jų kultūrą, pasiekti puikių rezultatų. Be teorinių paskaitų ir praktinių užduočių, turėjome ir kitų įdomių veiklų: žaidėme žaidimus, turėjome tarpkultūrinių vakarų renginius, kurių metų degustavome kiekvienos šalies dalyvių užkandžius, vykome į ekskursiją į Kipro sostinę – Nikosiją. Mokymai buvo reikalaujantys daug jėgų, programa buvo intensyvi, tad man, neturinčiai patirties mokymuose, visa tai kiek išvargino, tačiau parsivežtos žinios, patirtis bei nauji draugai, sutikti projekto metu, viską atpirko.
During the project in Romania together with over 70 people from 10 different countries we had the chance to look into the theme of rural handicrafts. It was my first solo trip to a foreign country so far away, but after the arrival to project’s place I quickly realized what a cozy and friendly environment I was about to spend the upcoming 10 days in. Every morning started with different activities: trips to the city, nature, craftsmen’s workshops. Some days were spent at camp, learning and focusing on the traditions and activities prepared by all the different countries. When you are around with so many people all the time, you are forced to get out of your comfort zone and socialize almost every moment of the day. Although it can become a challenge if you’re even a little introverted, I think this project was one of the best decisions of my life, because together with some new friends from abroad we have already started thinking when we are going to visit and see each other again. I believe everyone should try going on a youth exchange at least once in their lives!
Youth Exchange "My Hero" was my second and, hopefully, not the last Erasmus + project. It's even hard to say how many things brings this kind of experience. Chance to escape from your comfort zone to foreign country, surround yourself with wonderful people from different countries is absolutely amazing. All international projects help us to understand that wherever we live we are all the same and at the same time, we are different. It's strange that in 10 days people who seemed strangers become very good friends. For anyone who wants to travel, learn more about themselves and find friends in all Europe, I advise to take part in Erasmus+ projects.
It was my first Erasmus+ project. I have found this project accidentally by filling participant registration form where I did not pay much attention. At that moment the most important thing was to travel (even though the trip took only few hours), meeting new people and also expand my knowledge. Although it was far better than I thought it will be. There were 24 participants from 10 different countries. I think it was the perfect number of participants. It eliminated us from forming national groups and for that we all had to be like a family. The project theme was also interesting for me: psichogymnastic methods for socially excluded people. In short, we all had to spend time playing games with homeless, kids or people who have independence or addiction. It required teamwork with each other, psychological preparedness but despite that everything went wonderfully. The project gave us opportunity to improve communication between each other and leadership skills. I have worked with people from different cultures in the past and I know that most of them are warm and friendly but in this project, I felt like all participants were my family. We were all together during daily activities, during free time and now we keep in touch even after the project. I expect even to receive few letters from them. I would really like to participate again in such kind of project and you shouldn’t hesitate as well!
''In a calm sea, every man is a pilot”, but to be a true pilot you need to encounter a stormy sea and make it calm. That is why I took the possibility and went to my first Erasmus+ project and believe me when I say that it was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. Romania is not the country of everyone’s dreams, so it was a big step to go there and to realize that this country is magnificent. The project not only introduced me to different people from different countries but actually taught me a lot about the topic (PR). I came back home full of motivation, joy, excitement and the belief that I could move mountains. I was proven that there is no mission impossible and if you want, you can create and put to practice a PR campaign just in 3 days. So, for anyone who is in doubt if it is worth it, for anyone who is still afraid, I can for sure say that by having these doubts you are losing the possibility to become smarter, to gain knowledge, you are losing the possibility of finding new friends that can actually take you under their wing when you are visiting their country, you are losing a lot. So, by all means, you can be afraid, or you can take this possibility and be happier than ever. It is your choice.
Ech, ta Kroatija... Tai nebuvo mano pirmieji mainai. Ši šalis kėlė man labai daug susijaudinimo: kalnai, gamta ir jūra. Vaizdai, kurie tikrai vilios sugrįžti! Prieš šį projektą kelionė kiek neramino. Daugiausia nerimo kėlė projekto tema - debatai, nes tai buvo mano pirmoji patirtis dalyvaujant juose. Taigi, vykstant į mainus, aš jau buvau išsikėlusi tikslų, ką naujo norėčiau išmokti! Buvo įdėta daug pastangų, visi kartu mokėmės ir apibendrinant viskas pavyko puikiai! Keliaudama namo buvau pasikrovus geros energijos, šiltų emocijų ir susiradusi naujų draugų, todėl tokio pobūdžio projektus siūlyčiau išbandyti visiems!
It was my first project and I had to go quite far away – Hungary, Training Course project "Create peace through leadership". It wasn’t really scary, maybe I was just a little bit afraid of my English skills. However, I was surprised that actually my English was better than I expected. I participated in collaborative creative courses, workshops and there we learned a lot about leadership and attention, how to work in a team, how to motivate other people to work more effectively and achieve a common goal. I had to meditate which was quite difficult for me, but at the same time it was very interesting. This was a new experience in my life. I also met a lot of new people and learned a lot about different cultures. We became friends with participants and I hope that I will meet those people again. To sum up, I can say that I had a great opportunity to participate in such project and gain such a valuable experience!
“Future? We Need the Key!”- Youth Exchange project in Slovakia which immediately interested me and caught my attention. Even before coming to the project, Lithuanian team admired the beautiful landscapes. We also admired the view during the project. We had a hike in the mountains, visited several nearby villages. During the project we had cultural evenings, during which we tasted the traditional dishes from the participants of different countries, danced traditional dances, discussed history and culture. Despite the fact that the project program was extremely versatile, I gained a lot of new competencies, but the people who participated in the project remained the most memorable. People who were looking for new experiences and acquaintances. So, I advise you: do not hesitate and try Erasmus+ projects. They not only open your horizons but make you a real citizen of the world!
Vasaros patirtį Rumunijoje galėčiau apibūdinti kaip vieną geriausių ir reikšmingiausių tos vasaros nuotykių. Likimas susiklostė taip, jog į projektą išvykau lydima net trijų savo draugių ir visoms mums tokia patirtis buvo pirma. Visgi net ir būdamos pažįstamos sugebėjome susirasti kitų naujų draugų, kuriuos palikti vėliau tapo sunku. Dalyvaudama projekte ne tik supratau tarpkultūrinio bendravimo svarbą, bet ir atradau savyje savybių, apie kurias nežinojau turinti, mat kaip ir kiekvienoje situacijoje, kurioje reikia išlipti iš komforto zonos, pasitaiko daug iššūkių. Kiekviena nauja patirtis leidžia pamatyti naujus horizontus ir kartais net į pasaulį pažvelgti šiek tiek kitu kampu. Mano nuomone, dalyvavimas tokiuose jaunimo projektuose ne tik garantuoja platesnį pasaulio suvokimą ar užsienio kalbų pagerinimą, bet ir užtikrina krūvą naujų draugų visoje Europoje bei įspūdžių. Tai gali tapti neįkainojama patirtimi, kurią prisiminsi dar ilgai.
This is the second project in which I have participated. So, I knew, what I could hope and expect. However, I was surprised and impressed this time as well. I have met so many people from different cultures and now I can call them my new good friends. In my point of view, I can't believe that it is possible to build so close relationship in such a short time! After this project all participants started to plan new meetings which made me even happier. Organizators team of the project were amazing people too: ready to help you whenever you need it. During the project we had many activities such as working in teams, discussions, sharing our minds and opinions... And it is only a small part of all what I have experienced! I have not only developed my English language skills, but also my team-working skills, general knowledge. I have also found new friends. Memories about this week make me smile and I wish to come back to this project's time. I am very thankful for association “Unique Projects” for this priceless chance to participate in such projects. I suggest everyone - do not be afraid and try this unforgettable experience. You will start to want this experience again and again! :)
“ Pasakymą „Kas nerizikuoja, tas negeria šampano“ perfrazuočiau į „Kas nerizikuoja, praranda galimybę“. Todėl ir surizikavau – išvažiavau į savo pirmą Erasmus+ projektą ir, patikėkite manimi, tai buvo vienas geriausių mano priimtų sprendimų. Šalis, į kurią išvykau, buvo tiek gerais, tiek blogais atsiliepimais apipinta Rumunija, todėl važiuoti bijojau, nors iš tiesų nebuvo ko. Šiame projekte ne tik susipažinau su įvairių kultūrų atstovais, kurie paneigė ir patvirtino tam tikrus stereotipus, bet ir iš tiesų daug ko išmokau. Grįžau skrajodama padebesiais, įgijusi patirties, žinių, pasitikėjimo savimi ir, žinoma, naujų draugų. Vos per kelias dienas manyje susikaupė tiek motyvacijos, jog jausmas toks, kad galiu kalnus nuversti, visa tai, kas, maniau, per kelis mėnesius padaryti neįmanoma, tapo įmanoma per 3 dienas (sukūrėme realiai panaudotą reklaminę kampaniją!). Tad kiekvienam, kuris vis dar dvejoja, ar verta, kuris vis dar mano, kad baisu, tam, kuris mano kad nenaudinga, galiu pasakyti – netenkat galimybės tapti geresni, daugiau išmanantys, galimybės keliauti ir išmokti, galimybės susirasti draugų iš kitų šalių, pas kuriuos galėsite dar ir kada pasisvečiuoti. Taigi, pildykite anketas ir griebkite galimybę.
Youth Exchange "Sharing roots" project about social inclusion and environmental issues which took place in Portugal was my third but probably the best one! Awesome, caring organisers, cultural and religious diversity, life in a small but calm village - just a small part of what we got to experience during that week. We took deeper look on environmental issue’s kind of in a practical way - we helped to restore the campus environment which surroundings were destroyed by a huge forest fire back in October 2017. Although, we didn‘t have much of social-inclusion thematic but due to the flexibility of organisers, participants had many opportunities to express themselves and say out loud their opinions. All together we managed to make our social-inclusion experience better by doing a-every-project-cliche "energizers" or playing traditional Portuguese games. We learnt how to easily plant something in the nature and how to make "seeds paper" (from which also you may grow a plant). I made new friends, changed my point of view about nature and religious tolerance and I hope that I will be able to spread the word further! I‘m really thankful for association "Unique Projects" for a given opportunity!
Just like after each trip, it took a couple of days to arrange all the thoughts into my drawers until I could describe my impressions and emotions. Looking back at the week spent in Slovenia, I do not even know how to start. The trip to the project was full of worries and excitement: how will we be accepted, will we find friends, will we be in a good company, or wouldn’t it be boring. I can strongly state that none of these fears came true. The second day I became sure that the time spent in the project will be full of adventures and we will gain a lot of knowledge which we will be able to apply in everyday life after returning home. The main topics of the project were refugees, stereotypes and discrimination. Many people after hearing these topics would think that it was a long, debilitating and boring debates, but it was not even for a second. There were also discussions in which we were conflicting, but after all we understood how unite we were. It was a wonderful experience when people came to me, hugged and said that they honestly respect my opinion. At such moments warm feelings fill you all and you realize that although we are different, together we can do a lot. Of course, the best things happened because of the most entertaining company we could ever have. There were teams from Romania, Croatia, Slovenia and, of course, Lithuania. I am glad and do not regret a second I spent in the project. No matter how hard mornings were after nights, which we spent most laughing, playing cards or just being together, it was worth it. ‘ The last day was the hardest. I felt like I was leaving my own home - it was very sad and grainy; everyone was hugging, and I knew that a lot of time will pass before we could meet with some of these people again. Even now, in front of the eyes, stays the picture – the moment we leave the project and a group of people, who got up early, stands at the bus and waves to us.
Youth Exchange project “Let's go eco-tourism“ wasn't the first project for me, but it was the first one, which undoubtedly touched my heart and soul so much. When I was applying for this exchange, I mostly wished to see the mountains and discuss environment issues. However, during the first day of this project, I understood that I will receive much more than that. I have spent 10 days with amazing people, who became second family very fast. These days were spent in the country, about which I knew only very little and I hadn't been interested in that, but it left me the long lasting impression. Also, I have found at least 10 close friends there. The great atmosphere was felt by other participants, too. During reflection time in the project, everyone said that we had a really strong team: every country member worked with other ones well. We were helping and teaching each others, also, learning and sharing our experiences. In my opinion, projects like this are important, representing the countries. Now, I can personally say “I love your country with your people“ , when I meet a person from Romania, Slovakia, Poland or Germany. After “Let‘s go eco-tourism“ I really feel sympathy to all these countries. I hope other people have the same feeling about Lithuania. Connection with others has still continued after that time, it creates new opportunities. Talking about practical side, project's program was really considered, organizers were really great and especially friendly: they communicated with different participants, asked us to reflect, tried to become better leaders in any case. Besides, they took into account participants' wishes and abilities. Additionally, we lived in a great hostel, we were 2-3 people from various countries in one room, so it was easier to find friends from abroad. We could admire amazing view through the windows because of the nature and mountains near by. In the end of the day, intercultural evenings gladdened participants while every country-member had presented their culture, traditions and cuisine. Later we enjoyed heated outdoor pool, jacuzzi and sauna. Moreover, food was great, everyone could get what they want to eat or drink, depending on their own preferences. Vegetarians or vegans weren't hungry or thirsty as well. The atmosphere reminded the feeling that you're at grandma's home. To sum up, obviously Erasmus+ projects are the best experience for the Youth!
Training course project “Create peace through leadership” took place in Hungary, remote city Alsotold. It was the best project I have ever been (it was 3rd in total). I went there without many expectations and I was open for new opportunities and got lots of them! The program was really strong, great organization, amazing participants and unreal experience. I experienced many first times such as group meditation, waking up early for morning yoga, first workshop that I prepared and presented by myself. During the training we had a chance to know how real leader should act, how to motivate and work in team, also how to find inner peace through meditation. All this inspired me never to stop, share my knowledge and inspire others. I am very happy for this opportunity; I came back with a lot of motivation and I want to encourage doubting ones. There are so many opportunities in the world, and with Erasmus+ it’s even easier to improve! :)
It was my first Youth Exchange project. I am really happy that I had a chance to participate in it. It was such a great experience, and I had a chance to travel to another country – Cyprus with strangers who turned out to be really nice people. It was a great opportunity to see another country‘s culture and nature that have just amazed me. I met amazing people who I will remember for a long time. It was interesting to watch how people from different countries are sharing their experience and getting along. I also liked project‘s topic, it helped me to get to know myself better, notice moments that takes a huge part in our lives. Now I can say that youth exchange projects are not just traveling, new friendships but also it means learning and improving yourself.
This wasn‘t my first Erasmus+ Exchange (and definitely not my last!), but without a doubt I can say that it was the best one. Before signing up I hesitated because I wasn‘t sure if I could be a valuable part of the project that will last over a year, but I made the right choice. Multiple times I thought of what would have been if I had decided differently. I wouldn‘t have been able to be a part of a green youth project, that might not save the world but it will still be a step forward. I wouldn‘t have been able to visit Cyprus, whose nature fascinates, especially in the mountain campsite, where we stayed. But most importantly, I wouldn‘t have been able to meet so many outgoing, honest, and actually passionate people. Every person had something to say, to introduce ecological problems that their country (one out of eight) faces and could offered even more than one solution. Ecology is not only interesting but also a very relevant topic. This kind of motivation shouldn‘t be surprising, however I have never seen such interest to work to help our planet. And nights, when we allowed ourselves to completely relax and do not think about the projects that we will be carrying out all throughout the year, we spent talking until the sunrise because the topics seemed never ending. From cultural differences to getting to know each individually. That week was too short to discuss all of them, however, I can be very happy about the fact that next year I will be going to Greece with the same people. Not only to present our accomplished work but, also, to meet up with people, with whom „Messenger“ conversations have been non-stop since the day I came back home.
Project “Social Innovators for Change” in Romania was my second project. The first one I have participated was in Lithuania more than five years ago. Since I have finished master‘s studies two years ago, I had a lack of experience when in such a short time you can learn something new, communicate with a lot of young people, share ideas and have fun together. I wanted to come back at least for a short time to the society of students. This project happened to be a great opportunity to experience that again. During the project I got to know deeper what social business is about, even though I have finished business studies, I have not heard this term before. This project was a great reminder for me that everybody is different and that is alright, because of different experiences, education and age, remarkable ideas can be born! During the project I had a chance to practice presentation skills, public speaking, I understood how important it is to listen to everyone‘s opinion, how to work in a group with different personality types and that each of us have different learning methods. I got to understand how important it is to learn new languages, travel, expand horizons and spread the word about your homeland!
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project "EMEME" was my fourth international Exchange project. In every project you can find something new, for example, participants, location and the topic of the project is different every time. During this project I got deeper knowledge about ethnic minorities, problems of their integration into local communities in different countries of Europe. In addition to this, I had the opportunity to improve my English skills, meet people with different cultures from many EU countries. It liked going out of my comfort zone, because going far away from my country, communicating, living and working together with a group of very different people is not usual for me. I hope that knowledge and innovative learning methods that I’ve got, I will be able to apply in my lectures. By concluding my experience of my four projects abroad, I can tell that the most important thing to have successful project, is participants. Fortunately, participants from all countries were really kind and friendly. I’m very happy that I had the opportunity to travel in Portugal also, because travelling is one of my hobbies. I was impressed with its beautiful nature, cities and towns, delicious food (especially octopuses and squids), fado music and passion for football in Portugal. At the end I would like to thank to all members of Lithuanian team (you were very great, friendly, active and full of ideas), “Unique projects” association, it’s chairwoman Gabriele for opportunity to participate in this training and to ,,Aveiro Viva” organization for a great project. Obrigado!!!
To participate in the Youth Exchange project in Cagliari I decided quite spontaneously but life is full of surprises. This spontaneous decision turned into one of the best memories that I’m happy to have. Topic of the project was: “Eco – photography: environment through the eye of the lens” and it was held March 16 – 23, 2018 in Cagliari. We had a great time there: new places, interesting workshops, different cultures, new friends, widen view, etc. This is a small part of Erasmus+ projects. My personal advice to you is if you find a project that catches your eye but you’re doubting - just do it, you won’t regret this.
I took part in a Youth Exchange about volunteering topic in Romania. My life could not be meaningful without volunteering, so I was actively involved in the program from the very beginning. We had a great time with participants from other countries and local people. During the day we worked in the city, helped in the orphanage, listened to the lectures, discussed about the problems of volunteers and today's opportunities in Europe. During free time we shared cultural similarities and differences with other participants and I have made many new friends. We learned to work as a real team. The experience gained is absolutely unique. During such kind of projects you need to get out of the comfort zone and just swim downstream!
This was my first Youth Exchange project. Although I was very nervous and excited about participating, project definitely didn’t disappoint me. This project not only fulfilled all my hopes but exceeded them. After coming to project place, I didn’t expect that organisers will give us such a warm welcome and all other participants will be so friendly. By the way, we are still keeping in touch. Before coming, I worried that we will be having activities related to project topic all the time, will have no free time and won’t see the city itself. But all my doubts ran away. Organisers understood us so well, they knew it was new adventure and experience for us, new country which we were willing to explore. So, we made a flexible mixture of learning and entertainment. Lectures and practical exercises provided us with important knowledge and skills which will be useful in the future. I can’t say that we had lack of entertaining activities – definitely not. Almost every evening we had some kind of activity: intercultural evenings, dances, games. We saw the city, got to know to its culture, traditions. This kind of projects are really very useful, especially for young people. During youth exchange you not only gain experience, develop your personality, break English language barrier but also find friends from all the world. This experience and impressions will stay in my memory for long time and, if I have such opportunity, I will definitely participate in youth exchange again!
Tai buvo mano antrieji Erasmus+ išvažiuojamieji mainai. Neįsivaizdavau, ko tikėtis.. Šiek tiek bijojau, galvojau: kas bus jeigu nesutarsim, jeigu bijosiu bendrauti angliškai ir būsiu drovi? Visgi jau kitą dieną, kai prasidėjo veiklos buvome išskirstyti, kad nebūtume vienoje komandose su savo šalies draugais. Jau tą patį vakarą su visų šalių projekto dalyviais buvome drauge, žaidėme, šnekėjomės. Projektas buvo nuostabus: įdomios veiklos, draugiški žmonės, nuostabi aplinka. Šių mainų tema buvo pabėgėliai, žmonių diskriminacija, stereotipai. Nuoširdžiai manau, jog jaunimo mainų projektai yra nuostabi patirtis, sužinojau daug naujų dalykų apie kitas kultūras. Ačiū asociacijai ,,Unique Projects” už tokią nuostabią patirtį, tikiuosi ateityje dalyvauti kituose projektuose ir patirti dar daugiau.
Tai buvo mano trečiasis projektas, veiklos vyko Italijoje netoli Lecce miesto. Projekto tema – „Mindful team management“, projektas vyko neformalaus ugdymo metodika, susirinkę žmonės buvo nuostabūs, tapome tikrumo ištroškusiais draugais. Kursas buvo intensyvus: meditacijos, komandinės užduotys ir t.t. Po šio projekto užsidegė noras dalyvauti ir kitame projekte, pasakoti kitiems savo įspūdžius – agituoti, kad nedvejotų ir keliautų. Savaitės metu jutau šilumą, saugumą ir svarbiausia tai, kad neturėjau jokio jaudulio dėl Lietuvoje laukiančio ant darbo stalo bakalaurinio darbo. Šie mokymai atnešė man ne tik patirties projekto tema, bet ir patirties, kaip būti atviram, rasti ramybę kito akyse ir svarbiausia, išeiti iš namų ir bendrauti skirtingoje aplinkoje, būtent dėl ko atsiranda galimybė paversti vieną savaitę vienu iš gražiausių metų nutikimu.
The project in France was the first project of that kind for me. At first, I was very scared of my English language knowledge, but when I came to the project, I realized that I was not the only one to have this complex and it helped me to break through. There were a lot of impressions left. Still, the most important thing is that I realized my dream in the project - to see the Eiffel Tower. Although the project itself took place in Strasbourg, our group from Lithuania was able to travel almost half of Europe. We saw Warsaw, Paris, Strasbourg and before going back home we went even to Switzerland for a day. We have experienced many adventures that are now remembered with a very wide smile. We also got into difficult situations, but the project organizers helped us to solve everything. We were not in trouble, everything was taken care of. The food was delicious, rooms were tidy and activities were fun and attractive. I really have a desire to participate again and again. I hope many more such great projects ahead. Thanks to association “Unique Projects” for this opportunity.
The project in Romania was about tolerance. My friends and acquaintances shook their heads and said: “What are you going to do in Romania while you are already very tolerant person?” But sometimes the heart just feels where your feet needs to go. During the project, I have met wonderful people, some of whom I would love to take home with me, those who are open-minded and cheerful. I liked intercultural evenings the most because each country presented itself not only from the better side but also from the more fun side. We danced a lot, sang, learned to say common phrases in other languages. If you ask me if I would like to come back – I would definitely say YES and I wouldn't even hesitate. Wonderful people, great atmosphere, unforgettable experience - it sounds so simple, but TRUST ME you won't need anything more to fall in love with Youth Exchange projects and Erasmus+ programme.
Since this was my first project, I didn’t even know what to expect and it was hard to imagine how things would go. But at the end of the project, I can surely say that it was a very rewarding experience. Most of all, I would like to emphasize communication with people from other cultures which was very enriching. We also gained a lot of new knowledge about healthy lifestyle, learned new sports exercises which is also very important. What is more, mostly I would like to emphasize the atmosphere we have managed to create, that sense of community between the participants, it enriched us all.
“Pirmas, bet ne paskutinis. Taip trumpai apibūdinčiau pirmają savo patirtį dalyvaujant projekte. Važiuojant pirmąjį kartą buvo šiek tiek neramu, nes nežinojau ko laukti ir tikėtis, tačiau projektui prasidėjus viskas stojo į vėžes. Laikas, praleistas tarp skirtingų kultūrų žmonių – neįkainojama patirtis ir didelis žingsnis i savęs pažinimą, visapusišką tobulejimą, galimybė praplėsti akiratį ir mąstymą. Mokymai – puiki galimybė patobulinti anglų kalbos žinias, praturtinti savo žinių „bagažą“, puikus įkvėpimo šaltinis siekiant tikslų ateityje. Džiaugiuosi dalyvavęs projekte, raginu kitus nedvejoti ir išbandyti save!
“Norint pasidalinti visais įspūdžiais kuriuos patyriau projekte turbūt reikėtų prirašyti puse knygos. Tai buvo mano pirmasis projektas, tačiau tikrai ne paskutinis! Galiu drąsiai teigti, kad tai buvo geriausios dienos mano gyvenime. Per savaitę susiradau daugiau draugų, nei per visą savo gyvenimą. Manau, kad iš kiekvieno iš jų sulaukčiau pagalbos jei reikėtų, tikrai planuoju palaikyti ryšį su žmonėmis iš projekto. Patirtis yra neįkainojama, taip pat per šią savaitę daug geriau pramokau anglų kalbą. Iš tikrųjų verkiau kai reikėjo atsisveikinti, norėjau pasilikti ten dar daug laiko ir pakartoti viską šimtus kartų. Visiems rekomenduoju sudalyvauti panašiame projekte, gyvenimas iš karto nusidažys ryškesnėmis spalvomis!
“Norint pasidalinti visais įspūdžiais kuriuos patyriau projekte turbūt reikėtų prirašyti puse knygos. Tai buvo mano pirmasis projektas, tačiau tikrai ne paskutinis! Galiu drąsiai teigti, kad tai buvo geriausios dienos mano gyvenime. Per savaitę susiradau daugiau draugų, nei per visą savo gyvenimą. Manau, kad iš kiekvieno iš jų sulaukčiau pagalbos jei reikėtų, tikrai planuoju palaikyti ryšį su žmonėmis iš projekto. Patirtis yra neįkainojama, taip pat per šią savaitę daug geriau pramokau anglų kalbą. Iš tikrųjų verkiau kai reikėjo atsisveikinti, norėjau pasilikti ten dar daug laiko ir pakartoti viską šimtus kartų. Visiems rekomenduoju sudalyvauti panašiame projekte, gyvenimas iš karto nusidažys ryškesnėmis spalvomis!
“ Vasarą Facebook‘e visai netikėtai pamačiau galimybę išvykti į jaunimo mainų projektą. Tai, ko gero, vienas nuostabiausių atsitiktinumų mano gyvenime. Spalio pradžioje išsiruošiau į visai netolimą kelionę – į Gdanską, tačiau įspūdžių parsivežiau lyg po kelionės po visą Europą. Man tai buvo pirmasis Erasmus+ projektas, tačiau nuoširdžiai viliuosi, jog ne paskutinis. Visuomet tikiu, jog svarbiausia ne kur, o su kuo esi. Užmegzti ryšiai su nuostabiais projekto dalyviais tikrai nenutrūks, jau dabar planuojame ateities susitikimus. Pagrindinė projekto tema buvo „Hate speech“, tačiau aptarėmė ir daug kitų temų. Praplėčiau akiratį, įgijau daugiau žinių įvairiose srityse ir suvokiau protingos diskusijos svarbą priimant rimtus sprendimus. Per vieną savaitę patobulėjau kaip asmenybė, susipažinau su kitomis kultūromis, gavau gausybę pakvietimų atvykti į svečius, o aš visus kviečiau į Lietuvą. Prisijuokiau iki ašarų projekto metu ir beveik ašarojau atsisveikinant. Tikriausiai neįmanoma papasakoti žodžiais visko, ką patyriau, tačiau, jei reikėtų pasirinkti tik vieną, jis būtų NUO-STA-BU
Elena Pakalnytė
“ Let‘s go eco tourism“ nebuvo mano pirmasis projektas, tačiau, be abejonės, pirmieji tokie artimi širdžiai ir sielai jaunimo mainai. Registruodamasi į atranką labiausiai norėjau pamatyti kalnus, nagrinėti aplinkosaugos problemas, tačiau jau pačią pirmąją dieną supratau, jog iš šio projekto gausiu daug daugiau. Dešimt dienų su nuostabiais žmonėmis, kurie taip greitai tapo tarsi antra šeima. Dešimt dienų šalyje, apie kurią anksčiau daug nežinojau ir nesidomėjau, paliko neišdildomą įspūdį ir bent dešimtį labai artimų draugų. Puikią atmosferą jautė ir kiti dalyviai – visi refleksijos metu projekte sakė, jog turėjome labai stiprią grupę: kiekviena komanda, pristatanti savo šalį, puikiai dirbo su kitomis. Vieni kitus papildėme, mokėme ir mokėmės, dalinomės patirtimis. Tokie projektai, mano nuomone, labai svarbūs ir šalies reprezentavimui: aš, asmeniškai, dabar sutikus žmogų iš Rumunijos, Slovakijos, Lenkijos ar Vokietijos, drąsiai sakau: „Myliu Jūsų šalį ir Jūsų žmonės!“. Po projekto tikrai jaučiu didelę simpatiją kiekvienai šaliai. Viliuosi, jog taip pat jaučiasi ir kiti dalyviai Lietuvos atžvilgiu. Smagiausia, jog net projektui pasibaigus ryšys tęsiasi, atsiranda naujų galimybių. Kalbant apie praktinę pusę, projekto programa buvo labai apgalvota, organizatoriai nuostabūs ir ypatingai draugiški: kasdien bendravo su skirtingais dalyviais, prašė reflektuoti, stengėsi tobulėti su kiekviena veikla, taip pat atsižvelgdavo į dalyvių norus ir galimybes. Tai labai pradžiugino po intensyvaus dienos trukmės žygio, kuomet visi buvom pavargę ir norėjome tik griūti į lovas. Buvome apgyvendinti puikiame hostelyje, gyvenome kambariuose po 2-3 žmones, visi iš skirtingų šalių, kas padėjo greičiau susipažinti ir susirasti draugų užsieniečių. Pro kambarių langus ar išėjus į lauką atsivėrė nuostabūs kalnų vaizdai, o po dienos veiklų dalyvius džiugindavo ir žinias plėtė kultūriniai vakarai, kurių metu kiekvienos šalies dalyviai pristatydavo savo kultūrą, tradicijas, vaišindavo tradiciniu maistu. Kai pavargdavom, lėkdavom į lauke esantį šildomą baseiną ar sauną, sūkurinę vonią. Maitino mus puikiai – netrūko maisto nei visavalgiams, nei vegetarams ar veganams. Jautėmės kaip atvykę pas močiutę pasisvečiuoti. Apibendrinant, Erasmus+ projektai yra, be abejonės, viena geriausių galimybių jaunam žmogui.
“ If you dare nothing, when the day is over, nothing is all you will have gained.” (vert. Jei nieko nebijai dienai baigiantis, tai dienai baigiantis nieko ir neturėsi) ― Neil Gaiman. Tai motyvacija nuolatos mesti sau iššūkius ir nesėdėti vietoje, o svarbiausia – nebijoti. Visgi baimė buvo aplankiusi ir mane, tačiau jau pirmosiomis dienomis Italijoje supratau, kad tai buvo vienas geriausių sprendimų. Kartais privalai save išstumti iš komforto zonos, jog suprastum, kiek nuostabių dalykų gali patirti. Nežinau net nuo ko pradėti, gal nuo žmonių? Skirtingos kultūros, skirtingos patirtys, skirtingi charakteriai ir visa tai sutelpa į naujas pažintis. Drįstu teigti, kad per trumpą laiką suradau keletą artimų žmonių, kurie įkvepia ir motyvuoja, kuriuos smagu vadinti naujais draugais. Mano manymu, tai yra unikalu, kad per tokį trumpą laiką įmanoma suartėti su tiek skirtingų žmonių. Kalbant apie patį projektą iš pat pradžių tema man buvo sunkiai suprantama: „TACKLING RADICALIZATION THROUGH EDUCATION AND YOUTH WORK”, tačiau dabar negaliu atsidžiaugti, kad išvykau būtent į šiuos mokymus. Mokėmės ir bandėme spręsti daug aktualių problemų: radikalizmas, terorizmas, ekstremizmas – sąvokos, kurios dominavo visų mokymų metu. Taip pat aplankėme vieną iš daugelio pabėgėlių centrų Italijoje, vėliau aiškinomės dabartinę pabėgėlių situaciją Europoje. Visi užsiėmimai vyko grupėse, taip mokėmės komandinio darbo ypatumų, išklausyti ir suprasti vienas kito nuomonę. Be to, turėčiau paminėti ir keliavimo dalį: Roma, Bonefro, Napolis, Termolis ir Pescara – 5 Italijos miestai, kuriuose gavau progą apsilankyti, pamatyti ir suprasti, kaip atrodo tikrasis italų gyvenimas iš arti. Į visą šią trumpą mokymų savaitę sutelpa tiek daug emocijų, pamokų ir išgyvenimų… Visa tai sau pasiimsiu kaip neįkainojamą gyvenimo patirtį bei motyvaciją ateičiai. Ačiū asociacijai „Unique Projects“ už galimybę sudalyvauti tokiame projekte, ačiū Arnui ir Žygimantui, kad buvo puikiais bendražygiais visos kelionės metu! Grazie mille!
This was already my third project but it definitely exceeded all my expectations. From the first day it was possible to feel the special atmosphere. As project’s topic was communication, it was possible to clearly feel how the participants learned new ways of different communication, learned to work individually and as a team. We had the opportunity to try the rugby sport which strengthened about team’s spirit. Also, we meditated a lot, discussed, talked about sensitive topics and tried to get to know ourselves and others as well as involve the local community in the project’s activities. Not only interesting program of the project left a huge impression but also the beauty of Italian nature, the special ancient architecture and extremely open and warm people. We lived in Alexandria, so we could feel a real, non-tourist Italy. I will never forget the amazing emotions I experienced in this project, all the interesting and warm conversations, different and at the same time similar participants who created that great atmosphere. Such projects are great opportunity to learn and get to know yourself and others better in the intercultural environment.
I was absolutely thrilled after getting news about going to Youth Exchange project in Portugal, the small town of Vila Nova de Tazem. During the first day many participants were quite shy but after few trips to the vineyards and unique places, everyone finally relaxed. We spent almost each day swimming, hiking and picking up oranges from orange trees in the heat of the sun. We had the opportunity to see how locals produce their cheese and wine. Each National team during the project shared their own traditions. During our free time we even had some recycling activities where we separated trash into glass, plastic and paper in order to learn eco-friendliness. When the evenings came, we all gathered in the town square to dance according to Portuguese music. It‘s still hard to believe how hospitable Portuguese are – starting from hosting organization which took care about as and gave nutrition 5 times a day and the locals who never stop smiling. I‘m really glad to have strong relationships with many people from new countries and I‘m grateful for having the opportunity to travel with fantastic team of Lithuanians. I think it‘s about time to start planning a new trip :)
First of all, what I told my friends when I returned from the project in Hungary: "If only there is any chance, go!” The project took place in a small town but it really wasn’t boring at all. From the very beginning it seemed strange to meditate or do yoga in the morning, but after a few days it became an integral part of the morning routine. There were many different activities during the day - both individually and in mixed participant groups that actually helped me understand some simple but important things for the future. It was very exciting to be surrounded by such different and amazing people at the same time. I brought home not only the knowledge I’ve gained in the project but also a lot of funny memories of what have happened and now those people I now call friends.
Erasmus+ projektas „UNDER THE SUN Careers and Employment“ vyko Kipre, nuostabiame, neišpasakyto grožio Agros kaimelyje, buvo pati geriausia mano vasaros pradžia. Tai buvo mano antrasis projektas. Pirmasis mano projektas paliko neišdildomą įspūdį ir privertė visus projekto dalyvius išsiskyrimo metu apsikabinus verkti kaip mažiems vaikams, ir nors atrodė, kad nė vienas kitas projektas neprilygs pirmajam, turiu pripažinti, kad antrasis mano projektas buvo toks pat geras, kupinas šiltų emocijų ir nuostabių žmonių. Gyvenome nuostabaus grožio kaimelyje, apgyvendinimo sąlygos, maitinimas buvo puikus, o veiklos neišvarginančios, suteikiančios galimybę išreikšti savo nuomonę bei geriau pažinti ir susidraugauti su kitais projekto dalyviais. Pirmąjį kartą į projektą vykau su drauge, o šį kartą teko pasiryžti išvažiuoti vienai. Tai buvo mano pirmasis kartas, kada keliavau be pažįstamų, artimų žmonių. Buvo baisu, bijojau, kad nerasiu bendros kalbos su kitais žmonėmis, nepritapsiu ir daugiau nei savaitę turėsiu praleisti viena, tačiau man labai pasisekė, nes projekte sutikau daug nuostabių žmonių, o mano lietuvių komandos nariai buvo labai draugiški.. tikrai jų labai pasiilgsiu, jau dabar ilgiuosi. Surizikavau ir likau labai patenkinta, labai džiaugiuosi savo spendimu. Po šio projekto supratau, kad nereikia bijoti išlysti iš savo komforto zonos, reikia būti atviram naujoms galimybėms, naujoms pažintims, nebijoti surizikuoti. Man labai patinka, kad Erasmus+ projektai suteikia galimybę pažinti naujas kultūras, sutikti įdomius žmones, patobulinti bendravimo ir anglų kalbos įgūdžius. Kiekvienas Erasmus+ projektas praplečia akiratį, atveria duris į pozityvų mąstymą, teigiamas emocijas, išlaisvina tave, leidžia atsiskleisti ir būti savimi, o svarbiausia, priverčia nusišypsoti ir skleisti šypseną bei teigiamas emocijas kitiems. Būtent tai man suteikė šis projektas. Nors jau po projekto praėjo daugiau nei savaitė, šilti prisiminimai visuomet kelia šypseną veide ir pasaulis atrodo gražesnis. Norėčiau padėkoti organizacijai „Unique Projects“ už suteiktą galimybę nuvykti į šį nuostabų projektą, už rūpestį ir suteiktą informaciją bei Erasmus+ programai už galimybę pakeliauti po Kiprą 2 dienas iki ir po projekto.
This year I have decided to participate in Erasmus+ project for the first time. Like everyone else I had some doubts about my English skills and before beginning of the project these doubts were constantly growing. However, I managed to pull myself together and left to the project. Now I can say that this project was an amazing experience which totally changed my view towards a lot of things. First of all, lack of English skills is not a reason to stop. The majority of project participants are not able to communicate in English perfectly. From the moment you realize it, it becomes a lot easier to express yourself in another language. Moreover, these projects have a lot of other advantages, for example, they help us to realize that different cultures actually are not so different as we think. So, I suggest you to step out of your comfort zone and try.
I had the opportunity to participate in the Training Course “AGRO-Entrepreneurship Accelerator” project in Cyprus with association’s “Unique Projects” help. This was one of my first projects. It was one week-long training with full of communication with representatives from various countries, games, sightseeing tours and other activities which left me unique impression. At the end of the project, it was very hard and difficult say good bye to the participants we got so close during the project. I have no regrets about participating in this project. Give it a try!
It was my first project with Erasmus+ program. When I got some news that I was invited to the project, I was really happy but at the same time I started getting nervous because I didn't know how everything will be there, can I communicate in English with participants from other countries? But the first day, when I met other participants and organizers I calmed down. Everyone was very nice. I’m very thankful for the organizers because they planned everything very well, project’s activities were interesting and useful, they kept balance between theoretical and practical parts. Moreover, in this project I met a lot of people from different countries and learned about their culture and, of course, I found at least one friend in each country. I’m really thankful to all participants for unforgettable moments. Everyone should go to Erasmus+ projects, I promise you – you don’t regret I ;)
Pirmas kartas - baisu, pirmą kartą sutikti žmonės - irgi baisu, bet prie visa ko prisideda smalsumas ir noras sužinoti, o kaip bus toliau. Pirmi pasisveikinimai oro uoste, pirmi pokalbiai ir susipažinimai.. Na gerai, praėjo 15 minučių, o jau drąsiau, bet čia tik Lietuva, tavęs dar laukia projekto šalis.. šalis, kurioje tu praleisi ateinančią savaitę, kurioje tu galbūt suprasi, kokiu keliu nori tęsti savo kelionę, gyvenimo kelionę. Nesklandumai, nerimas ir jaudulys nublanksta prieš norą pažinti ne tik kitus, bet ir save, atrasti naujus įgūdžius ir sugebėjimus. Kelionės tam ir yra skirtos, jos tuo ir žavi. Kiekviena kelionė yra individuali, ji turi savo charakterį, gali turėti ir teigiamų, ir neigiamų pusių, bet kaip ir asmuo ji gali labai sužavėti. Būtent tokia ir buvo kelionė į Rumuniją. Žavinga, intriguojanti ir nenuspėjama.
A few weeks ago I was involved in the Youth Exchange project in Turkey. Before leaving Lithuania I had many fears, lack of self-confidence, doubts. BUT even it was scary and sad at the beginning when I met with other Lithuanian participants, all fears disappeared! We were all from different cities, even our dialects were different, but so soon we fell in love with each other and discovered a common language without adding or subtracting. We have actually become like a family! If you have doubts to be involved in the project like this, I CAN SURELY SAY THAT YOU NEED TO SAY YES! This is such a unique opportunity to meet so many people from all over Europe and even Lithuania itself! There were also participants from Romania, Macedonia and Turkey, and I even have a hard time conveying in words that interesting feeling when a nation that is foreign to you becomes your own. Nowhere else will you get to know another culture as much as through people. I have learned and got to know so many new things about other countries: starting from food, customs to politics or religion. IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WEEKS IN MY LIFE! It's hard to write something like that, you just have to feel and experience everything…
This was the first time when I participated in Erasmus+ project, and I could say that it surely exceeded my expectations. I met so many inspiring and interesting people, I found out how non-formal education really looks like and I didn`t feel that I don’t know anything anymore when it comes to Erasmus+ programme – it doesn`t seem like some kind of unknown mysterious area anymore. I have learned a lot, gained more self-confidence and I really enjoyed the whole learning process! For those who have doubts and fears – just go. That`s the only way all your fears will go away.
Esu Tomas, man 27 metai, tai buvo pirmas tokio pobūdžio projektas, kuriame dalyvavau. Apie šiuos Erasmus+ projektus jau žinojau gerokai anksčiau, tačiau vengiau, dėl to, kad nemoku anglų kalbos, bet nusprendžiau sudalyvauti būtent šiame projekte ir pažiūrėti, kaip man seksis. Nenusivyliau savo šiuo sprendimu, kadangi iš Lietuvos buvau ne vienas, todėl man labai padėjo kiti komandos nariai ir projekto pabaigoje angliškai jau supratau beveik viską, rengiau pristatymus, šis pasikeitimas įvyko vos per savaitę. Projekto metu susipažinau su žmonėmis iš įvairių valstybių ir susiradau naujų draugų, kas man labai patiko. Projekte buvo daug įdomios veiklos, mokymų, kelionių, kurių metu galėjau gilinti savo anglų kalbos žinias ir bendravimo įgūdžius su kitais dalyviais, dėstytojai buvo įdomūs bei įtraukiantys. Mokymus vertinu labai gerai, kiekvienas projekto dalyvis pasisėmė kažką gero sau. Šiandien, po projekto, visiškai drąsiai kalbu angliškai, nors ir darau daug klaidų, tačiau dar drąsiau žiūriu į išbandymus ir nekantrauju kada galėsiu sudalyvauti sekančiame projekte.
This was my second Youth Exchange project. Project ‘s organizers were really helpful and friendly. Also, people attending with me were with the best personalities ever. The project program provides adequate team games, information about the European Union and the selected topic of the project. But I could say that it is the people attending this event that make it Erasmus+. I cannot stop mentioning what wonderful, funny or, at the very least, different people you meet that change your point of view. Erasmus+ is a must for any individual as it is a unique experience that cannot be compared by any other form.
I am glad that I chose nearby Estonia for the first project. Neither the Internet nor the telephone was available during the project. For biggest part of young people, such an idea would prove to be a real challenge, but it was probably the best part of the project. We had a lot of time for communication, engage interesting activities and share experiences with others. In just ten days of the project, we - participants from different European countries became one big family with no one excluded or underestimated. We were all happy to interact with young people from other countries, find common interests and learn a lot. What I enjoyed the most was the interesting lectures given by the professionals from various fields. They shared their experiences which greatly inspired me. Their speeches can be compared to the famous TED lectures. Invaluable experiences, adventures and endless impressions still make me smile all the time.
Participation in the project SCOPE was great experience, one of those you need to seek for your own character and social skills growth. Meeting people from all over the Europe and discussing about conflict management appeared to be super important and very useful after the project, in everyday life as well. Time spent in Serbia was really inspiring and encouraging, giving many points of view to consider even later. I‘m satisfied with the opportunity to participate in this project in Serbia and would recommend it to everyone without a doubt.
I am glad that I chose nearby Estonia for the first project. Neither the Internet nor the telephone was available during the project. For biggest part of young people, such an idea would prove to be a real challenge, but it was probably the best part of the project. We had a lot of time for communication, engage interesting activities and share experiences with others. In just ten days of the project, we - participants from different European countries became one big family with no one excluded or underestimated. We were all happy to interact with young people from other countries, find common interests and learn a lot. What I enjoyed the most was the interesting lectures given by the professionals from various fields. They shared their experiences which greatly inspired me. Their speeches can be compared to the famous TED lectures. Invaluable experiences, adventures and endless impressions still make me smile all the time.
This project was not the first one I was involved in. The project’s topic was related to the arts and how they help to develop life competencies. The location in France was quite warm and stimulating despite the fact that the project took place in La Vancelle, home to around 400 people. Project participants were from Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania and France, learned new ways to express themselves artistically and we all made new friends from other countries. The method of drawing mandalas stimulated the passive imagination when renaming objects contributed to active brainstorming. This is a unique method when visible objects are renamed with words that are not typical for them (for example, a window is called a pencil and a pencil is called a flower). Although the game was caused a confusion in the very beginning, it eventually turned into an enthusiastic game. Participants competed for who will be more creative. Overall, the project was engaging and enriching personally. It acquired the idea of personal curiosity and encourages the continuation of participation in international projects.
When I first thought that I would have to share everything I had experienced during Erasmus+ project - I thought I simply can’t express everything in words as there were endless emotions and experiences. This project was my first and I was very lucky. This country was of fabulous beauty and the quality of the project itself was especially praised by the participants who have already been to Erasmus+ projects more than once. In fact, I was driving without expecting anything, with no expectations for the project - I just wanted to see how it was going and have a good rest, so without prejudice I was very surprised in a good way. Project’s topic was "Learning inclusive forms of exchange", as we called it briefly - LIFE. It was really a very appropriate abbreviation, because participants got to know each other and the place where all the activities took - Vila Nova de Tazem, the beauty of Portugal itself, local people, their business and activities, culture, languages, traditions, stereotypes. I think that we have learned greatly about Erasmus+ program itself, non-formal education, people diversity, equality and much more. It was a Training Course project, so I was expecting a busy agenda, a lot of hard work and lectures, I was afraid I wouldn’t see the area, but what surprised me the most that we communicated, worked, created not only inside, but also outdoors. We traveled, climbed mountains, played orienteering, had a very diverse range of activities, and applied a variety of learning methods that really made me think, created new ideas and learned a lot from each other. It was very good to hear that a lot of participants love Lithuania very much, have a lot of friends from here and are still waiting for coming back there. I was also surprised that our country's organizations, such as Unique Projects, are one of the most active in Europe, contributing to Erasmus+ development and awareness. During this project I have learned a lot and realized not only about life, but also myself, I was able to completely relax which is actually difficult when you are traveling. I am very pleased to have had the long-awaited opportunity to try out the Erasmus+ project on my own and I definitely recommend everyone to try it at least once in their life, because that is the only way to truly see a real and colorful life.
“Tai nebuvo pirmasis mano mainų projektas, bet pirmasis būtent tokio pobūdžio projektas. Šiek tiek baiminausi prieš važiuodama, nes abejojau savo jėgomis. Projekto tema buvo susijusi su sportu, tad norėjosi išbandyti save, nors ir nežinojau, dvejojau, ar tikrai galėsiu įvykdyti visas užduotis. Visgi jei kažko bijai, vadinasi ir turi tai daryti. Labai esu patenkinta šia savo patirtimi – džiaugiuosi, kad turėjau galimybę tobulėti ir įveikti savo baimes. Esu dėkinga, kad galėjau pažinti įvairių kultūrų žmones, tapusiais mano gyvenimo dalimi, šitaip praplėčiant savo akiratį bei pagerinant anglų kalbos žinias. Užsiėmimų metu taip pat įgavau naujų žinių bei įkvėpimo pokyčiams savo gyvenime.
“Tai buvo mano pirmasis Erasmus+ projektas. Manau, jog jis buvo puikiai pavykęs ir tai motyvuoja dalyvauti kituose projektuose ateityje. Gyvenimo sąlygos buvo tobulos, puikus viešbutis su daug maisto. Paskaitos bei kūrybinės dirbtuvės galėjo būti ir geriau organizuotos, tačiau visos pažintys bei puiki vieta ir oras viską atpirko. Labai džiaugiuosi susipažinęs su begale šviesių žmonių. Jaučiuosi pasisėmęs naujų idėjų bei noro tobulėti. Visiems, kas vis dar nedrįsta galiu pasakyti tik tiek, kad projekto pabaigoje nenorėsite grįžti namo!
“ Ne pirmas, tačiau tikrai ne paskutinis! Laukdama projekto jaučiausi įvairiai: iš pradžių nežinojau, ko tikėtis, vėliau, susisiekusi su organizacija ir kitais projekto dalyviais, šiek tiek išsigandau, nes maniau nerasianti bendros kalbos, kadangi visi dalyviai buvo vyresni. Laimei, nė viena mano baimė nepasitvirtino, anaiptol, projektas buvo geresnis, nei kada būčiau galėjusi tikėtis. Nauji, šilti žmonės, kurie įrodė, jog amžius neturi įtakos bendravimui, smagūs užsiėmimai, išvykos – visa tai privertė mane pasijusti kitu žmogumi ir suprasti, kad jaunimo mainai yra geriau už bet kokias brangias poilsines keliones. Ir tuo pat metu apgailestauti, kad viskas taip greitai baigiasi…“
“ Tai jau antrasis projektas, kuriame dalyvavau. Žinojau, ko tikėtis ir ko laukti, tačiau, kaip ir pirmąjį kartą – likau nuoširdžiai nustebinta ir sužavėta! Projekto metu susipažinau su daugybe skirtingų kultūrų žmonių, kuriuos dabar galiu drąsiai vadinti naujais gerais draugais. Manau, jog per tokį trumpą laiką užmegzti nuoširdžius ir šiltus santykius yra neįtikėtina! Pasibaigus projektui visi dalyviai jau planuoja kitą susitikimą, o tai dar labiau džiugina. Projekto organizatoriai taip pat buvo nuostabūs žmonės: visada išklausantys ir pasiruošę padėti. Projekto metu turėjome labai daug veiklos: dirbome komandose, diskutavome, išsakėme savo nuomones, dalinomės mintimis, keliavome. Ir tai tik maža dalis viso to, ką patyriau! Šio projekto metu patobulinau ne tik anglų kalbos žinias, bet pagilinau bendrą supratimą, komandinio darbo įgūdžius, įgijau naujų draugų. Prisiminimai apie šią projekto savaitę kelia šypseną bei norą sugrįžti atgal. Sakau nuoširdų ačiū organizacijai „Unique Projects“ už nepakartojamą galimybę dalyvauti tokiuose projektuose. Linkiu kiekvienam nebijoti ir išbandyti tai, ko vėliau norėsis dar ir dar! 🙂
“ Tai buvo mano pirmasis Erasmus + projektas. Apie tai sužinojau visiškai atsitiktinai, pildydamas dalyvių registracijos anketą, apie tai labai nesidomėjau. Tuo metu svarbiausia buvo tai, kad galėsiu pakeliauti (nors kelionė ir tetruko kelias valandas, visgi smagu pabūti toliau nuo namų), susibendrauti su kitais žmonėmis ir šiek tiek praplėsti savo žinias. Vis dėlto, buvo kiek kitaip nei tikėjausi. Buvo kur kas geriau. Projekte dalyvavo 10 skirtingų tautybių žmonių, iš viso mūsų buvo 24. Manau, kad tai buvo idealus skirtingų tautybių ir jų skaičiaus santykis. Tai užkirto kelią „savom grupelėm“, turėjome būti kaip viena šeima. Projekto tema man taip pat buvo patraukli – psichogimnastikos metodų taikymas socialiniai atskirtiems žmonėms. Trumpai tariant, reikėjo patiems mums, įvairiais žaidimais užimti benamius, vaikus ar žmones, turinčius priklausomybes. Tai reikalavo sklandaus bendradarbiavimo su ką tik sutiktais dalyviais, gero psichologinio nusiteikimo, tačiau viskas pavyko puikiai. Projektas ugdė tarpusavio komunikaciją, asmeninę lyderystę. Esu dirbęs kartu su įvairių tautybių žmonėmis, žinau, kad daugumą jų – šilti ir draugiški žmonės, tačiau šitame projekte jaučiausi taip, kad kiekvienas dalyvis yra mano šeimos narys. Negalėjau įsivaizduoti, kad per savaitę laiko taip galima prisirišti prie naujų žmonių. Mes buvome išvien visada – tiek užsiėmimų, tiek laisvo laiko metu, o dabar palaikome ryšį virtualiomis priemonėmis, tikiuosi gauti netgi porą laiškų Aplinka – tiek miestelis, tiek svečių namai skleidė šiltą atmosferą. Miestelis įsikūręs prie ežero, idealiai tiko užduotims mieste (taip, buvo ir tokių). Buvau labai patenkintas aptarnavimu, maistu (nors kai kurie į nematytą kugelį ir cepelinus žiūrėjo labai įtariai ), projekto vadovais, kurie ypač noriai bendravo laisvu laiku. Labai norėčiau sudalyvauti ir vėl, siūlau ir Jums!

Association “Unique Projects” organises various events, trainings and educational activities and projects. It includes local initiatives and events in Lithuania. We also implement youth exchange and youth workers mobility projects by Erasmus+ programme and activities by other project programmes in Lithuania.

We also take part as partners in international projects of Erasmus+ and other programmes. “Unique Projects” doesn’t organise projects which take part abroad, where the participants are having their mobilities, but act in them as partner organisation.

Every young person can become a member of our organisation and contribute to creation, planning and implementation of new ideas, increasing the opportunies for young people. You can contact us via Facebook ( or write us an email and we will provide you with more information.

For membership in organisation 70 eur annual membership fee is applied. Membership fee is collected for organisation and implementation of association's activities, events and other initiatives. Also, for covering administration and website maintenance costs.

Members of "Unique Projects" will be the first to receive news about projects, events and other activities and will have a priority to take part in them. 

If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact us, everything is possible, every member is important and valuable.

“Erasmus+” is 2021-2027 EU programme (previous financing period 2014 – 2020) for education, training, youth and sport support in Europe.

Erasmus + is open to many individuals and organizations. Eligibility criteria vary by action and country.

For example, youth action projects can involve students, pupils, the ones who are not studying or working, youth workers, teachers, volunteers, members of organizations, and so on.

Individuals can use many opportunities funded by the Erasmus + program, although in most cases you will have to contact the organisation which is taking part in the project (for example: in the case of our proposed projects, you will have to contact us - Unique Projects). 

Fill in the form in our webpage to our announced upcoming Project by pressing "Register to the project". The most important question in the survey is "Why is it you, who should participate in this project?" - here show your willingness and motivation. In couple weeks you will receive an answer if you got in. If not, do not give up and try again, these projects is an opportunity which should not be missed!

If you want to take part in the project, it is not necessary to become organisation’s member. However, you can always become one, if you want to get to known deeper with organisation and implementation of projects and take part freely in other “Unique Projects” activities (more details in question “How can you become a member of “Unique Projects”?”)