Apie mus - Unique Projects

About us

Who are we?

“Unique Projects” is non-governmental organisation which consists of young and ambitious people.  Our aim – to provide other youngsters an opportunity to improve and learn. Organisation initiates and implements various events, trainings, educational activities and projects. Also, we take part in number of Erasmus+ projects and projects of other programmes as partners. In all these activities young people can participate freely, improve their social skills, develop personal competences, gain useful knowledge in various topics and intercultural experience. In international projects youngsters can collaborate with people of different nations and cultures, expand their worldview and engage in self-development. The aspiration of organization - tolerant, successful and proactive society. That’s why we nurture and try to create an environment that fosters youth growth and self-awareness, friendly relationships within the community and between different cultures. Through our activities we reveal the importance of education, continuous improvement, healthy lifestyle, active participation in society, media and financial literacy and non-formal education. 


Our team

The Unique Projects team consists of non-standard-thinking, young and energetic people. Our team is united by the goal to be professional, active and operative helpers and advisers to young people. We solve problems and turn them into challenges. Not only advise on the trip and teach, but also improve together with you. We not only look for opportunities to improve, but also create them!You can join our team as well – contact us on info@uniqueprojects.eu.



VIZIJA – inovatyvi, tikslinga ir patikima asociacija, skatinanti jaunų žmonių veiklą ir tobulėjimą, kurianti tarptautinius ryšius ir  taip kaupianti įvairialypę patirtį bei besidalinanti ja su kitais.

MISIJA – nuolat plečiant asociaciją bei jos narių kompetencijas, efektyviai išnaudojant turimą potencialą ir bendradarbiaujant su kitomis organizacijomis, sukurti sąlygas Lietuvos jaunimui augti, tobulėti ir veikti.


Patirtis –  patiriame ir išmokstame vis ko nors naujo. Dalinamės savo patirtimi su kitais. Skatiname neformalųjį ugdymą;

Aktyvumas – dalyvaujame, veikiame, rodome, kad esame, judame į priekį, nestovime vietoje, skatiname veikti kitus;

Tobulėjimas – tikslingai judame užsibrėžtų tikslų link;

Bendradarbiavimas – dalinamės savo idėjomis, patirtimi, įspūdžiais, veikiame ir tarpusavyje, ir su kitomis organizacijomis, atvirai bendraujame vieni su kitais;

Sąžiningumas – esame atviri vieni kitiems, laikomės savo žodžių ir pažadų.


Organizacijos struktūra

We invite you to get a closer look at the structure of our organization, so that you can better understand how it works and you can more easily find the most attractive area that best meets your expectations. 

The highest and most decision-making body of the association is the General Meeting of Members. The board and chairman of the association act under his authority.

The main life and activities of the association are committees. There are even 4 of them in our association, so you can definitely find the area closest to your heart!

Human Resources Committee:

Necessary for every organization or company. If you decide to become a member, you will first come here. Representatives of the Human Resources Committee read your registrations and conduct motivational interviews and carry out almost the entire process of admitting new members. It also trains members in basic matters related to the organization's activities and assigns them to the committee that best meets your wishes and needs. Members of the Human Resources Committee organize team building events and motivational seminars. Here, members can get to know each other and be motivated to implement the organization's plans and ambitions. By working in the Human Resources Committee, you would gain interesting experience and competencies required in the field of personnel selection in business or any other sector.

Public Relations Committee:

This is our face that you see in public space and on social networks. Interested in creating content on social networks? Layout, advertising, publicity or even marketing? Then the public relations committee is just for you. Members of the Public Relations Committee create content for the organization’s website, Facebook, Instagram accounts, and create Stories. Writes blog posts, sends newsletters and helps prepare the article for the media, as well as contributes to video blogs and podcasts. Works closely with other committees and, upon receipt, publicizes the organization's events and projects.

Committee on International Relations:

Do you want to contribute to increasing international opportunities for Lithuanian youth? Then your place is on this committee. It is the members of this committee who contribute to the development of partnerships with foreign partners and are engaged in their search. Participates in contact building workshops, together generating ideas that can be relevant to young people across Europe. They help to prepare for projects abroad that other participants go to and help to make things run smoothly and securely.

Committee on Projects and Other Events and Initiatives

If you came here for the words "project" and "Erasmus +", your place is here. Although this is not the only thing that can be done in our organization. Being in this committee can contribute to the development and implementation of Erasmus + projects in Lithuania or to the planning and implementation of other activities, initiatives and events.

The Committee's activities are divided into three areas:

- Preparation of an activity, event plan or project application;

- Event or project organization and implementation supervision;

- Conducting activities or events.

You can bravely enjoy your favorite field, realize yourself and learn it boldly with unlimited opportunities in a safe environment. Activities will suffice for everyone!

Strateginės veiklos kryptys

Visų 4 organizacijos komitetų veikla yra skirta kurti ir įgyvendinti idėjas pagal 3 strategines organizacijos kryptis. Dažniausiai idėjas inicijuoja ir pradeda rengti projektų komiteto nariai (nors idėjos laukiamos ir sveikintinos iš bet kurio organizacijos nario). Žmogiškųjų išteklių komitetas padeda suformuoti projekto ar renginio komandą, kurioje būtų ir viešinimo komiteto atstovų, užsiimsiančių projekto ar renginio viešinimu ir matomumu platesnei auditorijai, rezultatų sklaida, dalyvių pritraukimu. Tarptautinių ryšių atstovai prisideda partnerių iš užsienio paieška, kai kalbama apie tarptautinio masto projektus.

1 strateginė kryptis: jaunimo užimtumas ir kompetencijos

Tai itin svarbi strateginė kryptis jau kurį laiką tapusi mūsų organizacijos pamatu. Pagal šią strateginę kryptį veikiame ties jaunimo raštingumu ir verslumu:

Šių dienų kontekste itin koncentruojamės ties jaunimo kompiuteriniu, medijų ir finansiniu raštingumu. Per savo veiklas ir projektus ugdome jaunuolių kritinį mąstymą, kompetencijas bei didiname jų patrauklumą darbo rinkoje. Mūsų tarptautinių projektų iniciatyvos plačiai apima iš išpildo šią temą – 2020 metų pradžioje įgyvendinime jaunimo mainus apie finansinį raštingumą „Finance and you“, 2021 metais startuoja projektas apie medijų raštingumą „World under your feather“ bei jaunimo darbuotojų mokymai apie kompiuterinį raštingumą „Digital power“. Mūsų jaunuoliai taip pat yra išvykę į ne vieną tarptautinį projektą užsienyje apie medijų raštingumą (pvz.: Media4You), kur įgyja ir į mūsų organizaciją parveža naujų žinių ir kompetencijų. Siekiant ugdyti jaunimo raštingumą ne vien tarptautinių projektų, bet ir savo įprastinės veiklos metu planuojame tokias iniciatyvas kaip stalo žaidimo „Pinigų srautas“ sesija, finansinio nepriklausomybės plano kūrimas neformaliojo ugdymo metodais, kritinio mąstymo dirbtuvės ir kt.

Jaunimo užimtumo ir verslumo potemė taip pat dažnai paliečiama mūsų veikloje. Analizuojame šią temą ir ugdome jaunimo verslumo kompetencijas tiek per jaunimo mainų projektus, tiek įprastinėje veikloje. Buvome partneriais ne viename projekte apie verslumą užsienyje, taip pat įgyvendinome idėjas Lietuvoje, kur dalyviai mokėsi kaip galima kurti verslą iš senovės amatų bei kaip sėkmingai vystyti verslo idėją. Jau netrukus rengsime gyvenimo kelio planavimo sesiją naudojantis koliažų technika bei verslo idėjos vystymo dirbtuves remiantis Design-thinking metodika. Taip pat planuose tarptautinio projekto idėja apie asmeninio prekės ženklo vystymą socialiniuose tinkluose.

2 strateginė kryptis: sveika gyvensena

Sveikos gyvensenos tema taip pat neatsiejama nuo mūsų organizacijos veiklos. Vienas mūsų organizacijos veiklos pradininkų – jaunimo mainų projektas „Your style – healthy life“. Taip pat tokios iniciatyvos kaip joga gryname ore bei dviračių žygiai, kurie pasirodys dar ne vieną ateinančią vasarą.

Šią strateginę kryptį įgyvendiname pasitelkdami sportines veiklas ir iniciatyvas, kalbėdami apie sveiką ir subalansuotą mitybą, emocinę sveikatą, streso valdymą bei sąmoningumo ugdymą. Dalinamės žiniomis tiek patys, tiek kviečiame profesionalus, kad papasakotų ir išmokytų plačiau pagrindinių sveikos mitybos principų. Vykdome meditacijos bei sąmoningumo sesijas.

3 strateginė kryptis: švari ir tvari aplinka

Tai, kaip mes gyvename dabar, nulems tai, kaip gyvens mūsų vaikai ar proanūkiai po daugelio metų. Atkreipiame dėmesį į teisingo rūšiavimo svarbą, atsakingą vartojimą bei plastiko mažinimą kasdieniniame gyvenime.

Prie šios strateginės krypties įgyvendinimo prisidedame organizacijoje įdiegę ir vystydami aplinką tausojančią politiką, kurios laikomės savo veikloje, bei projektų, renginių metu. Rengiame diskusijas apie atsakingą vartojimą – kokius drabužius ir daiktus perkame, kaip ilgai jais naudojamės ir kiek tam reikia žemės išteklių? Mokomės apskaičiuoti mūsų sukuriamą anglies pėdsaką ir ieškoti jo mažinimo būdų. Kelionių metu propaguojame aplinkai draugišką ir mažiausiai teršiantį keliavimo būdą. Mūsų laukia teisingo ir taisyklingo rūšiavimo dirbtuvės, pokalbiai su specialistais bei platesnio masto iniciatyva, skirta kovai su klimato kaita. Žemiau galite susipažinti su mūsų organizacijos aplinkos tausojimo politika.

Environmental policy in the organization

Since the end of 2018, we have been implementing an environmental policy in the organization. The guidelines set out in this policy are followed during the organization's events, project implementation and general activities of the organization. Members of the organization are also encouraged to follow the environmental policy implemented in the organization, not only inside the organization, but also outside it in everyday life. The policy of an environmentally and socially responsible organization consists of three parts: the principles followed during the implementation of events and projects (travel and activities); the principles followed in the normal course of business; principles that members of the organization are encouraged to follow in shaping their lifestyles.

Implementation of events and projects:

Travel: "Unique Projects" supports sustainable, environmentally friendly travel. Therefore, we recommend that participants follow the following principles for traveling to events or projects:

- give priority to travel by bus or train, if possible. This is a more environmentally friendly (though not so fast) way to travel than flying. If the project takes place in a neighboring country or comes from a neighboring country, there is a very high probability that an environmentally friendly trip is possible. Also, travel by bus or train is strongly encouraged from countries such as Estonia, the Czech Republic, etc., which are also not far away and have direct bus / train routes;

- air travel is a particularly environmentally harmful way of traveling. If it is not possible to arrive by bus or train, you can choose a direct flight with environmentally friendly airlines (eg: Easyjet, Air Berlin, Air Baltic). If there is no direct flight to the project site, it is recommended to end the trip by train, bus or other environmentally friendly means of travel (eg by bus from Riga or Warsaw airports);

- before booking a direct flight, please check that it meets the climate efficiency criteria. On the Atmosfair website, you can find an airline index based on the climate impact of short and medium-haul flights. Please check the index before booking a flight here. We recommend choosing only those flights that have an A, B or at least C rating for short / medium distance flights, respectively. So,We recommend choosing only those flights that have an A, B or at least C rating for short / medium distance flights, respectively.

Course of activities:

- during the implementation of events or project activities, is sorted responsibly in accordance with the sorting rules of the country in which the activity takes place. For the activities taking place in Lithuania, Unique Projects introduces "Green Dot" sorting boxes into its activities, into which the sorted waste is later handed over for recycling. If it is not possible to deliver the boxes, 4 bags are separated and recorded, in which waste (household, plastic and metal, paper, glass) is sorted according to analogous rules. Both foreign and Lithuanian participants are introduced / reminded of the main sorting principles and the most common mistakes (eg: that beverage packaging is not discarded together with liquids, plastic packaging together with food residues, and greasy paper is not disposed of in a paper container);

- the results created during the activities (for example: posters), prototypes and other materials are stored for at least 3 years after the end of the project (depending on the scope of the project). At the end of this period, the materials are sorted and recycled;

- disposable plates or cups are not used in the projects among the project participants during the activities. The organization takes care of reusable cups and plates that are used during coffee breaks and other activities. The use of disposable tools or cups is subject to partial exemptions for open events and takeaway food;

- the amount of materials used during the activities is optimized. Materials and forms that can be used and completed electronically shall not be printed. This includes presentation material, brochures that participants can view by downloading to a phone or computer, evaluation forms, travel ticket information, and more. The materials are used in cases where participants need a tangible form to unleash their creativity (cutting, gluing, gluing, creating collages, posters, prototypes). The results of these activities are handled in the manner described above, stored, sorted and recycled, if possible, reused beforehand;

- the tools or products purchased for the activities are procured according to their origin and environmental friendliness. Preference is given to larger snack packs, beverages, bulk fruit, stationery made of recycled paper or plastic.

Execution of ordinary activities:

- the organisation's ordinary activities and financial documents are stored in electronic and paper format (stocks) and stored for 10 years from their date in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania. At the end of the specified storage period, the documents are shredded and returned for processing;

- the organization strives to implement an event, an initiative related to environmental sustainability and responsible consumption at least once a year;

- the organization shares environmental initiatives organized by other organizations through its publicity tools;

- website and Facebook account, invites other local residents and members of its organization to join these events and initiatives, all materials used in the organization's activities are sorted and recycled;

- the normal activities of the organization also follow the principles for the implementation of the above - mentioned events and project activities.

Principles of environmental protection of the members of the organization inside and outside the organization:

Each member becomes a member of the association of his own free will. Environmental policy is also based on free will and volunteering. However, if you have already become a member of the organization, we strongly encourage you to be environmentally and socially responsible and to follow the following principles (or at least part of them):

- to actively participate and join not only "Unique Projects" but also other organizations and initiatives organized by other organizations related to the environment and its management, sustainability (eg "Let's do it", "Car - free day", tree planting campaign, etc.);

- sort waste responsibly and encourage those around them to do so;

- to implement the principles of responsible consumption in one's lifestyle, to conserve environmental resources and not to waste them unnecessarily. This includes:

• not to unnecessarily print documents that are also valid in electronic format;

• print on both sides of the paper;

• use reusable bags and cups;

• use and save water and energy (heat) responsibly in your household;

• reduce plastic consumption (for example: choose products with larger packaging instead of products that are packaged in smaller quantities);

• do not use disposable tools, plastic straws, cups (this includes coffee takeaway areas where you can serve your reusable cup);

• choose environmentally friendly products (for example: products made of natural materials; T-shirts made of organic cotton, recycled plastic, etc.);

• use cosmetics that are not tested on animals;

• not to buy or wear fur;

• to abandon meat at least once a week and replace it with food of plant origin (growing food of plant origin uses less natural and environmental resources than products of animal origin);

• maintaining a 'second-hand' culture - reselling, exchanging or passing on end-of-life items and clothing to others, thus saving environmental resources.

Our partners

Reencontro, associação social, educativa e cultural (I.P.S.S.) (Portugalija)

Youth Forum of Odorhei (UFF) (Rumunija)

AR Vocational and Investment Solutions – ARVIS (Rumunija) 

Stowarzyszenie POLITES (Lenkija)

Fundacja Śląski Instytut Innowacji (Lenkija)

Wyzska Szkola (Lenkija)


Youth On Board (Makedonija)

Association Connections (Rumunija)

Asociatia Hair Redivivus Buzau (Rumunija) 

Meraki (Kroatija)

Copenhagen Youth Network (CYN) (Danija)